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I work at least 40 hours a week

I depend on a monthly salary as my primary source of income

I desire security, first and foremost, and seek out a lifestyle that provides this

I seek out jobs with benefits

I try to avoid financial risk at all costs

I see no need to become educated in the tools of finance beyond retirement annuities, fixed deposits and investments prescribed by my financial advisor

I have a specialist profession

I don’t have a boss, I work for myself

I don’t like my income to be dependent upon other people, a boss or company

I have a hard time finding work because my standards are too high so I make money by using my skills

My independence is more important than working for a boss

My income is directly tied to how hard I work

When I don’t work or I take a vacation, I earn nothing or very little

I make enough money to cover your monthly expenses even though I don’t spend more than 5 hours per week directly involved in my businesses activities

I have employees performing the tasks that generate revenue for my business

I hire competent talent and delegate tasks instead of attending to the details of multiple roles

I can leave my business and return to find it more profitable and systematically better than before

I don’t rely on my personal time and effort to make money

I use my money and other people or businesses money to make more money

I invest in stocks, fixed income securities, real estate and other investment products that product income through capital appreciation, dividends, rental income and so forth

All or some of my investments have fund managers who manage the growth of these investments so I don’t have to

I use leverage to increase my investments in order to increase my wealth

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Thank you for completing the ESBI Cash Flow Quadrant Survey. 
One of the EASIBA consultants will be in touch with you regarding the outcome.

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